Is the Command of Raising Hands (Raf’ al-Yadayn) Abrogated?

Author: Shaykh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani (Hafizahullah)
Question: We, the Ahl-e-Hadith, practice Raf' al-Yadayn (raising hands in Salah). The Hanafi school claims that this practice has been abrogated. Is this true?
Answer: The practice of Raf' al-Yadayn is established through mutawatir (continuous and widely reported) Ahadith from the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). There is no authentic Hadith to suggest that the Prophet (ﷺ) ever abandoned this practice.

Evidence of​

Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar (RA):

"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) would raise his hands to the level of his shoulders when he began the prayer, when he said the Takbir for bowing, and when he raised his head from bowing."
[Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Adhan, Hadith 735; Ahmad 8/2; Muwatta 75/1; Ibn Majah 858; Abu Dawood 721]
Similarly, the practice of Raf' al-Yadayn has also been narrated by Wa’il bin Hujr (RA):

"I saw the Prophet (ﷺ) raise his hands at the beginning of Salah, before bowing, and after rising from bowing."
[Abu Dawood, Book of Salah, Hadith 726]

Historical Context and Continuation of​

Wa’il bin Hujr (RA), a late convert to Islam, embraced Islam in 9 AH. According to Imam Badruddin Aini,

"Wa’il bin Hujr accepted Islam in Madinah in the year 9 AH."
[Umdat al-Qari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari 9/3]
Wa’il's travels from Hadramaut to Madinah took six months during that time. He visited the Prophet (ﷺ) twice—once in 9 AH and again in 10 AH, just before the Prophet’s passing. During his second visit, he observed:

"When I visited again during a period of severe cold, I noticed people covering themselves with thick garments, and their hands moved under these coverings."
[Abu Dawood, Book of Salah, Hadith 727]
This proves that Raf' al-Yadayn was practiced until 10 AH, right before the Prophet (ﷺ) passed away. Those claiming that Raf' al-Yadayn was abrogated must provide authentic evidence of its discontinuation after 10 AH.

Refuting the Misconceptions​

Some claim that the command for Raf' al-Yadayn was given to prevent disbelievers from hiding idols under their arms while standing behind the Prophet (ﷺ). This baseless argument has no foundation in authentic or weak Hadith literature. It is a fabrication designed to mislead, and those who propagate it should fear Allah’s punishment. Associating such falsehoods with the Prophet (ﷺ) invites divine wrath.

Moreover, the notion that disbelievers would stand behind the Prophet (ﷺ) in Salah and carry idols is absurd. If the initial Takbir al-Ihram caused their idols to fall, why would they not fall during the subsequent acts of Raf' al-Yadayn?

Scholarly Consensus on​

Prominent scholars and jurists from the early generations affirmed the practice of Raf' al-Yadayn. Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti classified the Hadiths on Raf' al-Yadayn as mutawatir (widely transmitted) in his works, such as Al-Azhar al-Mutanathira and Tadrib al-Rawi.

Similarly, Imam Shafi’i and Imam Malik were proponents of Raf' al-Yadayn based on authentic narrations. Imam Tirmidhi reports:

"This is the view of some of the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ), including Ibn Umar, Jabir bin Abdullah, Abu Hurairah, Anas, Ibn Abbas, and Abdullah bin Zubair (RA). Among the Tabi’un, it was practiced by Hasan al-Basri, Ata, Tawus, Mujahid, Nafi’, Salim bin Abdullah, and Sa’id bin Jubair (RA). This was also the opinion of Imam Malik, Imam Awza’i, Imam Sufyan ibn Uyayna, Imam Abdullah ibn Mubarak, Imam Shafi’i, Imam Ahmad, and Imam Ishaq (RA)."
[Sunan Tirmidhi, Book of Salah, Hadith 256]
Thus, claiming that there was disagreement between Imam Shafi’i and Imam Malik on this matter is incorrect. Both were in agreement, and their views were rooted in authentic Hadith.

Concluding Remarks​

Raf' al-Yadayn is a Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ) that he never abandoned. The claim that it is abrogated is baseless and lacks evidence. Imam Hakim highlights this as a distinctive mark of Ahl-e-Hadith:

"They manifest the signs of the people of Hadith, such as raising the hands in Salah."
[Siyar A’lam al-Nubala 12/465]
For further details, refer to:
  • Al-Tahqiq al-Rasikh fi Anna Ahadith Raf' al-Yadayn Laysa Laha Nasikh by Imam Muhammad Gondalwi
  • Mas'ala Raf' al-Yadayn: Tahreeri Munazara by Hafiz Abdul Mannan Noorpuri