Is it Permissible to Perform Ruqyah for the Evil Eye?

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)


Yes, it is permissible to perform Ruqyah (recitation of supplications) for the evil eye (Nazar). This practice is supported by authentic narrations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Evidence from Hadith:

  1. Hadith of Imran bin Husain (RA):
    It is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
«الآرقية إلا من عين أو حمة»
“There is no Ruqyah except for the evil eye or fever.”
(Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 3884, Kitab Al-Tibb; Musnad Ahmad, 4/436)
  1. Hadith of Anas bin Malik (RA):
    In an authentic narration recorded in Sahih Muslim, Anas bin Malik (RA) stated:
«رخص رسول الله فى الرقية من العين، والحمة، والنملة»
“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ permitted Ruqyah for the evil eye, fever, and ant bites.”
(Muwatta Imam Malik, Hadith No. 2707; Musnad Ahmad, 4/6/3)
  1. Hadith of Umm Salamah (RA):
    Umm Salamah (RA) reported:
« إن النبى رأى فى بيتها جارية فى وجهها سفعة، فقال: استرقوا لها، فإن بها النظرة»

“The Prophet ﷺ saw a young girl in her house whose face had a dark reddish tinge. He said, ‘Perform Ruqyah for her, for she has been afflicted by the evil eye.’”
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 5739, Kitab Al-Tibb; Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2197)


Based on the authentic narrations, it is clear that performing Ruqyah for protection against or healing from the evil eye, fever, and other afflictions is permissible and recommended in Islam. The Prophet ﷺ himself allowed and encouraged it in specific cases, making it a legitimate means of seeking relief and cure through the remembrance of Allah.