Investigation of a Fabricated Narration about Hazrat Ali (RA)

Written by:

Fazeelat al-Sheikh Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai (RA)


Research is required on the following narration:"When the Prophet (PBUH) was given a bath, water rose over his eye sockets. Hazrat Ali (RA) drank it, and he was given the knowledge of the first and the last."


This narration is without a chain of transmission (isnad) and without basis.Abdul Haq Dehlavi has written this in his book "Madarij an-Nubuwwah" with the words "it is narrated that" without any chain or reference.

[Volume 2, p. 596, Urdu translation, published by Maktabah Islamiyah, 40 Urdu Bazaar Lahore]

The famous Sufi Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Qastalani (died 923 AH) writes:

"Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned that it is narrated from Jafar bin Muhammad who said: 'Water used to collect on the eyelids of the Prophet (PBUH), so Ali (RA) would drink it. As for the narration that Ali (RA) drank the water from the eye sockets of the Prophet (PBUH) when he gave him a bath, and due to that, he was given the knowledge of the first and the last, Nawawi said: This is not correct.'"
[Al-Mawahib al-Laduniyyah bil-Manih al-Muhammadiyyah, Volume 3, p. 396]

Both of these narrations are absolutely baseless and fabricated. The narration attributed to Jafar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq (RA) has not been found with any chain of transmission. Those who do not hesitate to lie about the Prophet (PBUH) would not hesitate to lie about Jafar al-Sadiq (RA). The original book of Ibn al-Jawzi should be checked to see what criticism he made if he indeed mentioned this chainless narration.

Summary of the Investigation:

The inquired narration is fabricated, baseless, and without a chain of transmission.

وما علينا إلا البلاغ