Intimacy During Postnatal Bleeding (Nifas)

This content is derived from the book "500 Questions and Answers for Women," based on the fatwas of the scholars of the Haramain, translated by Hafiz Abdullah Saleem.


Is it permissible for a man to engage in intimacy (other than intercourse) with his wife during the period of postnatal bleeding (nifas), if 40 days have not yet passed and the bleeding has not ceased?


Yes, it is permissible for a husband to engage in intimacy (such as kissing and caressing) with his wife during nifas, provided it does not involve intercourse in the vaginal area.

However, the Sunnah encourages the wife to wear a lower garment (tehband) during such instances. This is based on the narration of Aisha (رضي الله عنها), who said:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to command me to wear a lower garment when I was in the state of menstruation, and then he would be intimate with me (engaging in actions other than intercourse).”
This narration is agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim.
It is permissible for a husband to engage in non-intercourse forms of intimacy during nifas, but adherence to the Sunnah by using a lower garment is recommended.

[Saudi Fatwa Committee]