How Did the Polytheists Reject the Prophet's (ﷺ) Call?

Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)

The Polytheists' Rejection of the Prophetic Message

Allah describes the obstinacy and denial of the polytheists in the Quran:

"وَلَوْ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًا مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ فَظَلُّوا فِيهِ يَعْرُجُونَ ‎﴿١٤﴾‏ لَقَالُوا إِنَّمَا سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَارُنَا بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌ مَّسْحُورُونَ ‎﴿١٥﴾"

"And if We opened for them a gate from the heaven and they continued therein to ascend, they would say, 'Our eyes have only been dazzled. Rather, we are a people affected by magic.'"
[Al-Hijr: 14-15]

Key Insights from the Verse

  1. Intensity of Their Disbelief
    The verse highlights the extreme arrogance, obstinacy, and denial of the polytheists. Even if Allah were to open a gate to the heavens for them to ascend, they would still refuse to believe in the truth.
  2. Baseless Claims
    Instead of accepting the clear signs of Allah, they would resort to making irrational excuses, claiming:
    • "سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَارُنَا": "Our eyes have been dazzled." They would argue that their vision had been impaired.
    • "بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌ مَّسْحُورُونَ": "We have been bewitched." They would attribute their experience to magic.
  3. Blindness to Truth
    Their rejection was not due to a lack of evidence but their arrogance and unwillingness to accept the truth. They preferred to label themselves as victims of illusion or magic rather than submit to the clear signs of Allah.
  4. Stubbornness and Pride
    The polytheists' denial stemmed from their arrogance and a refusal to acknowledge the superiority of the message brought by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).


This passage illustrates that no amount of evidence or miraculous signs can convince those whose hearts are blinded by pride and arrogance. The polytheists' rejection of the Prophet's (ﷺ) call serves as a reminder of the dangers of arrogance and the importance of humility in accepting guidance.