Gentleness and Kindness

Author: Fazeelat al-Sheikh Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hamad (Hafidhahullah)

Hadith Reference

مَنْ يُحْرَمْ الرِّفْقَ يُحْرَمْ الْخَيْرَ

"Whoever is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all goodness."
— [Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Birr wa al-Silah wa al-Adab: 6598]

Key Points

The Source of Goodness:
This Hadith highlights that the root of all goodness lies in gentleness. A person who lacks gentleness is deprived of all forms of goodness. Kindness and a gentle temperament serve as the foundation for harmonious relationships and personal success.

Misconception About Harshness:
Some individuals believe that harshness and strictness are the keys to achieving their goals. They assume that a rigid approach yields results that gentleness cannot. However, Islamic teachings emphasize that Allah grants more blessings and success through gentleness than He does through harshness.

Allah's Favor for Gentleness

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
"Indeed, Allah is gentle, and He loves gentleness. He gives (rewards) for gentleness what He does not give for harshness or anything else."
— [Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Birr wa al-Silah wa al-Adab: 6601]

This Hadith underscores that gentleness is a divine quality beloved by Allah. It is a source of immense blessings and favors that cannot be achieved through harshness or strictness.

Practical Guidance for Gentleness

Evaluate your temperament and interactions with others. Adopt a gentle and kind approach in all dealings.

Kindness in Relationships:
Gentleness fosters stronger bonds and goodwill in relationships, be it with family, friends, or strangers.

Desire Allah’s Mercy:
The Prophet ﷺ said that if you want Allah’s mercy and help in fulfilling your needs, you should be merciful and gentle toward others. As Allah mentioned regarding His Messenger ﷺ:
"By the mercy of Allah, you were gentle with them. If you had been harsh and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So, pardon them and seek forgiveness for them."
— [Surah Aal-e-Imran: 159]

Gentleness as a Divine Gift

Gentleness and kindness are special gifts from Allah. A person endowed with these traits is blessed with an ease in their dealings and an attraction that draws others toward them. It is a reflection of divine mercy in human character.


Gentleness is a cornerstone of good character in Islam. It not only fosters better relationships but also invites Allah’s mercy and blessings. Harshness and rigidity, on the other hand, repel people and deprive a person of goodness. Believers are encouraged to adopt a gentle and kind approach in all their interactions, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who embodied gentleness in every aspect of his life.