Fatwa by: Sheikh Ibn Jibreen (رحمه اللہ)
What is the ruling on extracting teeth?
There is no harm in extracting excessively protruding teeth, as such teeth can distort the appearance of the face and cause discomfort for a person. Similarly, there is no issue in using tools like files to even out the teeth. However, it is not permissible to create gaps between the teeth or to thin them, as there is a prohibition regarding such alterations in Islamic teachings.
What is the ruling on disciplining students, especially those who need guidance in learning and manners?
It is praiseworthy for teachers and schools to be kind and gentle with both younger and older students. However, if the situation requires disciplinary measures, then it is permissible to resort to such methods, including light physical discipline. However, it must not involve harsh or severe punishment, as such behavior is characteristic of those lacking wisdom and respect. When necessary, firmness and strictness can prove to be more effective than kindness and gentleness, provided it is done within appropriate limits.
What is the ruling on extracting teeth?
There is no harm in extracting excessively protruding teeth, as such teeth can distort the appearance of the face and cause discomfort for a person. Similarly, there is no issue in using tools like files to even out the teeth. However, it is not permissible to create gaps between the teeth or to thin them, as there is a prohibition regarding such alterations in Islamic teachings.
Disciplining Students
Fatwa by: Sheikh Ibn Jibreen (رحمه اللہ)Question:
What is the ruling on disciplining students, especially those who need guidance in learning and manners?
It is praiseworthy for teachers and schools to be kind and gentle with both younger and older students. However, if the situation requires disciplinary measures, then it is permissible to resort to such methods, including light physical discipline. However, it must not involve harsh or severe punishment, as such behavior is characteristic of those lacking wisdom and respect. When necessary, firmness and strictness can prove to be more effective than kindness and gentleness, provided it is done within appropriate limits.