Exposing Hands and Feet

Fatwa: Sheikh Ibn Jibrin (May Allah protect him)


Can I uncover my hands and feet in front of my husband’s brothers? Does the ruling change in the presence of my husband?


It is obligatory for a woman to maintain full hijab in front of every non-mahram (strange man), whether he is her brother-in-law, cousin, or any other relative, regardless of her husband’s presence or absence. In the presence of all these individuals, she must cover her bodily adornments and other enticing parts, such as the face, arms, calves, and chest.

Regarding the hands and feet, it appears that exposing them may be permissible under certain circumstances, such as when there is a necessity to hold something or exchange items. However, if there is a fear of fitnah (temptation or trial), then it becomes necessary to cover them.

This indicates that if there is a risk of harm, a woman may be prevented from mingling or socializing with strange men. And Allah knows best.