Emphasis on Licking One's Fingers After Finishing a Meal

Authored by: Sheikh Abdul Salam bin Muhammad (may Allah protect him)

Narrated by Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them): The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “When one of you eats food, do not wipe your hand until you lick it or have it licked by someone else.”

— [Agreed upon]

— [Bulugh al-Maram: 1241]


[Bukhari: 5456], [Muslim: Book of Drinks 134, 137], and others. See also Tuhfat al-Ashraf 5/88 & 945.


Not Wiping the Hand:

The command to not wipe the hand refers to refraining from cleaning it with a napkin or towel before licking the fingers. As narrated in Sahih Muslim, Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Do not wipe your hand with a towel until you have licked your fingers.”

— [Muslim, Book of Drinks: 134]

In the early days, the Companions did not always have access to towels, and cooked food was scarce. They would lick their fingers and then clean them on their palms, wrists, or feet, often performing prayer afterward without renewing their ablution.

— [Bukhari, narrated by Jabir: 5457]

The Reason for Licking the Fingers:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) explained the reason for licking one's fingers:

“For one does not know in which part of the food the blessing lies.”

— [Muslim, narrated by Jabir: Book of Drinks: 35]

Cleaning the Bowl and Picking Up Dropped Food:

For the same reason, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed the Companions to clean their bowls and, if a piece of food fell, to pick it up, clean it, and eat it rather than leave it for Satan.

— [Muslim, Book of Drinks: 137]

What Is Meant by Blessing (Barakah):

Barakah (blessing) in food refers to several things: it digests easily, becomes part of the body without causing harm, does not lead to illness, and provides strength for obeying Allah.
— [Nawawi]
Barakah also includes the feeling of satiety. Sometimes a person eats a lot but still feels hungry, and this can lead to overconsumption, which may result in discomfort or illness. Other times, after just a few bites, a person feels satisfied and content. This is the effect of the blessing that may be in a specific portion of the food.

Licking the Fingers Versus Washing the Hands:

This Hadith also teaches that washing one's hands after eating is not obligatory. Wiping them clean is sufficient. For more on this, see benefit number 1.

Licking or Having Others Lick the Hands:

The instruction “lick it or have someone else lick it” refers to having someone who does not find it unpleasant, such as a spouse, child, or sibling, lick the fingers. It would even be acceptable to have an animal like a goat or cow lick the fingers, as long as the blessing is not wasted.
This Hadith encourages Muslims to appreciate the blessings in their food and to avoid waste by licking their fingers or cleaning their dishes thoroughly after a meal.