Written by: Shaykh Hafiz Abdul Sattar Al-Hammad (May Allah preserve him)
"Whoever asks Allah for martyrdom with sincerity, Allah will elevate him to the ranks of the martyrs, even if he dies on his bed."
[Sahih Muslim, Book of Leadership: Hadith 4930]
Based on this, the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) regarded dua as a form of worship, even calling it worship itself. As reported by Sayyidina Nu'man bin Bashir (رضي الله عنہ), the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
"Dua is worship, because your Lord has said: 'Call upon Me, I will respond. Indeed, those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell in disgrace.'"
[Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book of Supplications: Hadith 3372]
The meaning of this Hadith is that dua, beyond being a means to achieve one’s goals, is itself an act of worship. In this sense, making dua is a sacred act that will yield rewards in the Hereafter. This is why, in the sight of Allah, there is nothing more cherished or honored than dua, as evidenced by another Hadith:
"Nothing in the sight of Allah is more beloved than dua."
[Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book of Supplications: Hadith 3370]
Once it is clear that dua is worship, and worship is the primary purpose of human creation, it follows that among human actions, dua is the most revered and valuable.
"Whoever asks Allah for martyrdom with sincerity, Allah will elevate him to the ranks of the martyrs, even if he dies on his bed."
[Sahih Muslim, Book of Leadership: Hadith 4930]
For a dua to be accepted, "sincere intention" is the first condition, as sincerity and honesty are the foundation of all actions. This Hadith emphasizes the importance of dua, illustrating that even if a person dies in their bed, but sincerely longs for martyrdom, they will attain the rewards and status of martyrs.Based on this, the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) regarded dua as a form of worship, even calling it worship itself. As reported by Sayyidina Nu'man bin Bashir (رضي الله عنہ), the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
"Dua is worship, because your Lord has said: 'Call upon Me, I will respond. Indeed, those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell in disgrace.'"
[Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book of Supplications: Hadith 3372]
The meaning of this Hadith is that dua, beyond being a means to achieve one’s goals, is itself an act of worship. In this sense, making dua is a sacred act that will yield rewards in the Hereafter. This is why, in the sight of Allah, there is nothing more cherished or honored than dua, as evidenced by another Hadith:
"Nothing in the sight of Allah is more beloved than dua."
[Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book of Supplications: Hadith 3370]
Once it is clear that dua is worship, and worship is the primary purpose of human creation, it follows that among human actions, dua is the most revered and valuable.