Difference Between Magic (جادو), Miracles (معجزہ), and Karamaat (کرامت)

Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafidhahullah)

Magic (جادو):

Magic is a skill acquired through observation and learning.

  • It is a human effort and practice.
  • The practitioner of magic is referred to as a sorcerer (ساحر) or magician.
  • Magic relies on deception, illusions, and sometimes the help of evil forces.

Karamaat (کرامت):

Karamaat are extraordinary gifts granted by Allah (SWT).
  • They are not learned or acquired but rather bestowed by Allah.
  • These acts are specific to righteous, pious, and God-fearing individuals.
  • Unlike magic, there is no observation or training involved.

Miracles (معجزہ):

Miracles are supernatural occurrences that break the norms of natural laws.
  • They are specific to Prophets and Messengers (انبیا و رسل) and granted by Allah (SWT) as a sign of their truthfulness.
  • Miracles are beyond human capacity and serve as evidence of divine support for Prophethood.
Each of these phenomena has a distinct nature and purpose, distinguishing them clearly from one another. While magic is a worldly skill, karamaat and miracles are divine blessings, with miracles being exclusive to Prophets.