Did Satan Have a Role in the Killing Incident Involving Prophet Musa (AS)?

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)


When Prophet Musa (AS) killed a Coptic man, did Satan play any role in this incident?


The answer lies in the following verse of the Quran:

وَدَخَلَ الْمَدِينَةَ عَلَىٰ حِينِ غَفْلَةٍ مِّنْ أَهْلِهَا فَوَجَدَ فِيهَا رَجُلَيْنِ يَقْتَتِلَانِ هَـٰذَا مِن شِيعَتِهِ وَهَـٰذَا مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ ۖ فَاسْتَغَاثَهُ الَّذِي مِن شِيعَتِهِ عَلَى الَّذِي مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ فَوَكَزَهُ مُوسَىٰ فَقَضَىٰ عَلَيْهِ ۖ قَالَ هَـٰذَا مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۖ إِنَّهُ عَدُوٌّ مُّضِلٌّ مُّبِينٌ

(Surah Al-Qasas: 15)
"And he entered the city at a time when its inhabitants were unaware, and he found therein two men fighting: one from his people and the other from his enemies. The one from his people called for help against his enemy, so Musa struck him with his fist and unintentionally killed him. [Musa] said: 'This is from the work of Satan. Indeed, he is a manifest, misleading enemy.'" (Surah Al-Qasas: 15)

Explanation of the Incident:

  • Musa (AS) entered the city during a time when the people were in a state of inattentiveness, possibly around noon or between Maghrib and Isha.
  • He witnessed two men fighting: one was an Israelite (from Musa’s people) and the other a Coptic (an Egyptian, considered their enemy).
  • The Israelite asked Musa (AS) for help against the Coptic adversary.
  • Seeing the situation and considering the timing when the city was relatively quiet, Musa (AS) intervened. He struck the Coptic man with a punch, which led to the man's death.
Upon realizing what had happened, Musa (AS) acknowledged the gravity of the situation and declared:
"This is from the work of Satan."
This statement reflects the understanding that Satan’s role was in creating discord and inciting conflict, as he is a clear and constant misleader. However, the incident itself was not premeditated murder but an unintended outcome of Musa’s attempt to assist his fellow Israelite.

Thus, the role of Satan was in the overall atmosphere of enmity and conflict that led to this unfortunate event.