Author: Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai (رحمه الله)
In a narration, it is mentioned that Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) said:"I seek blessings through Abu Hanifa and visit his grave every day. When I have a need, I pray two Rak'ahs, go to his grave, and ask Allah for my need, and it is soon fulfilled." [Referenced from Tarikh Baghdad]
Is this narration authentic? (A Questioner)
The narration is mentioned in Tarikh Baghdad (123/1) and Akhbar Abi Hanifa wa Ashabihi by Al-Saymari (p. 89) with the chain: Makram bin Ahmad said: We were informed by Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim who said: We were informed by Ali bin Maimun who said: I heard Al-Shafi'i...
In this narration, the narrator "Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim" is not found in any biographical books.Shaykh Al-Albani (رحمه الله) states: "Unknown..." [Al-Silsilah Al-Da'ifah 31/1 Hadith 22]This means the narrator is unknown; therefore, this narration is rejected.
This fabricated and rejected narration has been quoted by Muhammad bin Yusuf Al-Salihi Al-Shafi'i [Uqud al-Jumman Arabic p. 363 and translated Urdu p. 440], Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (an innovator) [Al-Khayrat Al-Hisan fi Manaqib Al-Nu'man Arabic p. 94 and translated p. 255, Sartaj-e-Muhaddithin], and others as evidence. However, they have remained silent about the authentication of Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim. From this single example, you can understand how far those who avoid research and justice have gone in their books of virtues and other topics. These individuals attempt to prove black as white and lies as truth day and night. However, their deceptions and conspiracies become apparent in the field of research, leaving no place for falsehood to hide. Those who propagate rejected narrations present another narration that Shihab al-Din Al-Abshiti (d. 810 AH, passed away 883 AH) transmitted (without any chain):
Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) performed Fajr prayer near the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) and did not recite the Qunut prayer. When asked, he replied: "I did not recite the Qunut prayer out of respect for the one in this grave." [Uqud al-Jumman p. 363, Al-Khayrat Al-Hisan p. 94, Tadhkirat al-Nu'man p. 441, 440, Sartaj-e-Muhaddithin p. 255]
This entire story is unsubstantiated, false, and fabricated. Similarly, the mention of not reciting Basmalah aloud in some (unknown) histories in Muhiuddin Al-Qurashi's Tabaqat is also fabricated and false due to the lack of a chain.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) has proven the story of Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) visiting the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) to be fabricated and baseless through both hadith and rational arguments. See: "Iqtida' al-Sirat al-Mustaqim" [p. 343, 344 second edition p. 385, 386]
Anyone who considers such a story to be authentic must present an authentic connected chain of narration. Merely referencing a book is not sufficient.
Important Note:
There is no authentic praise or commendation from Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi'i (رحمه الله) for Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله). On the contrary, authentic criticisms from Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) about Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) are recorded. See: Adab al-Shafi'i wa Manaqibuhu by Ibn Abi Hatim [p. 171, 172 with an authentic chain, 202, 201 with an authentic chain] Tarikh Baghdad [13/437 with an authentic chain, 2/177, 178 with an authentic chain]
Therefore, the question of Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) ever visiting the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) does not arise.
(10 Rabi' al-Thani 1427 AH)
In a narration, it is mentioned that Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) said:"I seek blessings through Abu Hanifa and visit his grave every day. When I have a need, I pray two Rak'ahs, go to his grave, and ask Allah for my need, and it is soon fulfilled." [Referenced from Tarikh Baghdad]
Is this narration authentic? (A Questioner)
The narration is mentioned in Tarikh Baghdad (123/1) and Akhbar Abi Hanifa wa Ashabihi by Al-Saymari (p. 89) with the chain: Makram bin Ahmad said: We were informed by Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim who said: We were informed by Ali bin Maimun who said: I heard Al-Shafi'i...
In this narration, the narrator "Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim" is not found in any biographical books.Shaykh Al-Albani (رحمه الله) states: "Unknown..." [Al-Silsilah Al-Da'ifah 31/1 Hadith 22]This means the narrator is unknown; therefore, this narration is rejected.
This fabricated and rejected narration has been quoted by Muhammad bin Yusuf Al-Salihi Al-Shafi'i [Uqud al-Jumman Arabic p. 363 and translated Urdu p. 440], Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (an innovator) [Al-Khayrat Al-Hisan fi Manaqib Al-Nu'man Arabic p. 94 and translated p. 255, Sartaj-e-Muhaddithin], and others as evidence. However, they have remained silent about the authentication of Umar bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim. From this single example, you can understand how far those who avoid research and justice have gone in their books of virtues and other topics. These individuals attempt to prove black as white and lies as truth day and night. However, their deceptions and conspiracies become apparent in the field of research, leaving no place for falsehood to hide. Those who propagate rejected narrations present another narration that Shihab al-Din Al-Abshiti (d. 810 AH, passed away 883 AH) transmitted (without any chain):
Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) performed Fajr prayer near the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) and did not recite the Qunut prayer. When asked, he replied: "I did not recite the Qunut prayer out of respect for the one in this grave." [Uqud al-Jumman p. 363, Al-Khayrat Al-Hisan p. 94, Tadhkirat al-Nu'man p. 441, 440, Sartaj-e-Muhaddithin p. 255]
This entire story is unsubstantiated, false, and fabricated. Similarly, the mention of not reciting Basmalah aloud in some (unknown) histories in Muhiuddin Al-Qurashi's Tabaqat is also fabricated and false due to the lack of a chain.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) has proven the story of Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) visiting the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) to be fabricated and baseless through both hadith and rational arguments. See: "Iqtida' al-Sirat al-Mustaqim" [p. 343, 344 second edition p. 385, 386]
Anyone who considers such a story to be authentic must present an authentic connected chain of narration. Merely referencing a book is not sufficient.
Important Note:
There is no authentic praise or commendation from Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi'i (رحمه الله) for Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله). On the contrary, authentic criticisms from Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) about Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) are recorded. See: Adab al-Shafi'i wa Manaqibuhu by Ibn Abi Hatim [p. 171, 172 with an authentic chain, 202, 201 with an authentic chain] Tarikh Baghdad [13/437 with an authentic chain, 2/177, 178 with an authentic chain]
Therefore, the question of Imam Shafi'i (رحمه الله) ever visiting the grave of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله) does not arise.
وما علينا إلا البلاغ
(10 Rabi' al-Thani 1427 AH)