Did Iblis Commit Shirk and Does He Call Towards It?

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)


Did Iblis commit shirk (associating partners with Allah), and does he invite others to shirk?


Yes, Iblis committed shirk by his actions and intentions, and he invites others towards shirk, as evidenced in the Quran and Islamic tradition.

Evidence from the Quran:

  1. Shirk in Iblis's Actions:
    Allah describes the behavior of Satan (Iblis) as follows:

    "Like the example of Satan when he says to man, 'Disbelieve.' But when he disbelieves, he says, 'Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.'"
    [Surah Al-Hashr: 16]
    • This verse highlights that Iblis encourages humans to disbelieve and commit shirk. However, when they follow his command, Iblis disowns them, showing his deceitful nature.
    • This behavior reflects his rebellion against Allah and his continuous efforts to lead others astray.
  2. Iblis Calls Towards Shirk:
    Iblis not only committed shirk himself but actively invites others to it. Allah says:

    "Indeed, I [Allah] did not make them [the devils] witnesses to the creation of the heavens and the earth or to their own creation, and I would not have taken the misguiders as assistants."
    [Surah Al-Kahf: 50]
    • Iblis, as a misguider, works tirelessly to spread disbelief and shirk among humanity.

Illustration Through a Historical Incident:

This verse in Surah Al-Hashr also alludes to a famous incident involving a devout worshiper:
  • A pious man from the Children of Israel committed zina (adultery) with a woman, who became pregnant.
  • Fearing exposure, he killed both the woman and her child and buried them.
  • Later, Iblis appeared in a dream to the woman’s brothers and informed them of the crime. Upon investigation, the brothers uncovered the bodies.
  • As the man was about to be executed, Iblis approached him and offered help, saying:
    "Prostrate to me, and I will save you."
  • The man complied and prostrated to Iblis, thereby committing shirk. However, Iblis abandoned him, saying:
    "Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds."
This incident highlights Iblis's deceptive nature and his ultimate goal of leading humans to shirk.

Ruling on Shirk and Encouraging It:

  1. Commanding Shirk is Shirk:
    Encouraging or commanding others to commit shirk itself constitutes an act of shirk.
  2. Approval of Shirk is Shirk:
    Being pleased with or consenting to shirk is also an act of shirk.


Iblis is guilty of shirk due to his rebellion against Allah and his pride. Furthermore, he actively invites humans to shirk and disbelief. However, he abandons those who follow him, leaving them in ruin and despair.

Believers are reminded to seek refuge in Allah from Iblis’s deceptions and to adhere firmly to Tawhid (the oneness of Allah).