Definition of Musaqat

Authored by: Fatwas of the Saudi Fatwa Committee

Topic: What is Musaqat?

Musaqat refers to an agreement where the owner of date palm trees entrusts them to a worker who assumes responsibility for watering and performing related tasks. The produce is then divided between the owner and the worker according to an agreed-upon share.

For instance:
  • The worker may receive half, one-third, or one-fourth of the produce, while the rest belongs to the owner, depending on their mutual agreement.
  • The division must be a known and shared portion, and the arrangement allows the worker to undertake the cultivation duties with a clear share in the outcome.
This type of agreement, when made with clarity and fairness, is referred to as Musaqat.

Reference: Ibn Uthaymeen: Noor Ala Al-Darb, 4/246