Covering in Front of a Blind Person

Fatwa by: Sheikh Ibn Jibreen (may Allah preserve him)

Can a woman uncover her face in front of a blind man? If not, what is the reason for this?

The correct view is that a woman is allowed to uncover her face in front of a blind person. The reason for the command to observe purdah (veil) in front of those who can see is to prevent any form of temptation or corruption. A blind person neither sees the objects in front of him nor can he perceive the beauty of a woman, and he lacks awareness of such details.

As for the Hadith reported by Tirmidhi regarding the incident with Ibn Umm Maktum (may Allah be pleased with him), which he declared authentic, and whose words are:

"Conceal yourselves from him"
[Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd]

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) further said:
"Are you both also blind? Can you not see him?"
[Sunan Abi Dawood, Sunan al-Tirmidhi]

Some scholars have declared this Hadith weak. Even if it is considered authentic, its meaning is that it is forbidden for women to look at men. This is because women are also commanded to lower their gaze. Hence, due to the fear of temptation, it is not permissible for a woman to look at a non-mahram man, whether he is blind or sighted. This even extends to situations like looking at pictures of handsome men in newspapers, magazines, or movies, as it is not free from the risk of temptation.

And Allah knows best.