Can Jinn Move Within the Human Body?

Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafidhahullah)


The Noble Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“Indeed, Satan flows through a person like the flow of blood, and I feared that he might cast something into your hearts.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 33)


Qadhi and others have said:
This Hadith is taken in its literal sense, indicating that Allah has granted Satan the ability to move within the human body, similar to the way blood circulates. It has also been stated that Satan infiltrates the body through its subtle and delicate pores, from where he whispers, and those whispers eventually reach the heart.
(Sharh Sahih Muslim by An-Nawawi, 14/157/5)

This explanation highlights the subtle and pervasive nature of Satan’s influence over humans and why spiritual protection through dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and seeking refuge in Allah is necessary.