Benefits of Maintaining Family Ties

Written by: Fadilat Al-Sheikh Abdul Salam bin Muhammad (Hafizahullah)

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:​

"Whoever wishes for an expansion in their provision and an extension in their lifespan should uphold their family ties."
[Sahih Bukhari]


  • [Bukhari 5985]
  • In Fath al-Bari, it is stated that the narration of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) says "من أحب" (whoever wishes), while the narration of Abu Hurairah uses "من سره" (whoever is pleased).

Explanation of Terminology:​

  • ينسا: Derived from the root meaning "to delay," indicating an extension or delay.
  • أَثَرِهِ: Refers to the footprints left behind, symbolizing that a person’s life is extended because one's footprints remain on the earth only as long as one is alive. Alternatively, it could mean that a person's legacy or memory remains in the world for a longer time.
  • رَحِمَهُ: Refers to the womb, signifying the familial ties that exist due to shared kinship through birth.

Benefits of Maintaining Family Ties:​

  1. Increase in Provision and Lifespan:
    Showing kindness and maintaining good relations with family members leads to increased provision and longevity. Some may question how this is possible since one’s provision and lifespan are already predetermined in their destiny, as the Quran states:

    "When their time comes, they cannot delay it for a single moment, nor can they bring it forward."
    [Surah Al-A’raf: 34]

    The answer is that Allah has already decreed the causes for an increase in provision and lifespan within His divine plan. For instance, a person who works diligently and wisely is likely to have an abundance of wealth, while laziness leads to poverty. Similarly, a healthy lifestyle, good environment, and proper nutrition contribute to good health and longer life, while poor health conditions and stress shorten life.

    Just as physical factors contribute to an increase in provision and lifespan, there are spiritual causes as well, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) highlighted in this hadith. By treating family members with kindness, one experiences inner peace, happiness, and blessings in time, which enables them to work with focus and productivity, leading to increased provision. Moreover, mental well-being is directly linked to physical health, and maintaining family ties promotes peace of mind and good health, extending one’s life.

    On the other hand, a person who breaks ties with family often lives in distress, constantly occupied with negative thoughts and rivalry. This disrupts both their worldly affairs and spiritual duties. The resultant stress and negativity can lead to poor health and failure in their endeavors, bringing them closer to death.
  2. Blessings in Time and Life:
    The hadith also mentions the concept of having one’s footprints or legacy extended. This can be understood in multiple ways:
    • Literal Extension of Lifespan: As previously explained, one’s lifespan may be extended due to the blessings of maintaining family ties.
    • Blessings in Time: A person who maintains family ties often finds their time filled with more productivity and accomplishments. They are granted success in a short span of time, achieving more good deeds than someone who lives a long life without utilizing their time effectively. An example is the comparison between the shorter lives of the Muslim ummah and the long lives of previous nations, where the Night of Qadr compensates for this difference by granting abundant rewards in a short time.
    • Legacy After Death: A person who maintains family ties may leave behind good deeds that continue to benefit them after their death, such as beneficial knowledge, ongoing charity, or righteous children who pray for them. This way, their influence and impact remain long after they have passed away.
  3. Reward in the Hereafter and Benefits in this World:
    While the ultimate reward for maintaining family ties will be in the Hereafter, there are worldly benefits as well, as outlined by the Prophet (peace be upon him). If someone maintains family relations with the intention of seeking both the rewards of the Hereafter and the worldly benefits, there is no harm in that. For example, charity not only increases wealth but also protects one from the fire of Hell. The key is not to make worldly gains the sole objective. Allah says:

    "And among the people is he who says, 'Our Lord, give us in this world,' and he will have no share in the Hereafter. But among them is he who says, 'Our Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.' Those will have a share of what they have earned, and Allah is swift in account."
    [Surah Al-Baqarah: 200-202]
Thus, Islam encourages upholding family ties, not only for spiritual benefits but also for the tangible, positive impacts on one's life and well-being.