Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani writes that Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘Every year, people of the land and the sea gather in Mecca. The people of the land and the sea refer to Prophet Elias (AS) and Prophet Khidr (AS). They shave each other's heads.’”
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, p. 406]
Respected Sheikh Zubair Ali Zai, is this narration authentic?
(Muhammad Asif Patialvi, Patiala Dak Khana Bolar, District Narowal)
The chain of this narration is as follows
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic Vol. 2, p. 39; Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic-Urdu, Vol. 2, pp. 446-447]
This narration is fabricated. The first narrator is Hibbatullah ibn al-Mubarak al-Saqti, about whom Muhammad ibn Nasir (RA) was asked whether he was reliable. He replied:"لا والله، حدث بواسط عن شيوخ لم يرهم فظهر كذبه عندهم"“No, by Allah (he is not reliable), he narrated in Wasit from shuyukh he had not seen, and his falsehood was exposed by the people there.”
[Al-Muntazam by Ibn al-Jawzi 17/144]
About him, Al-Sam'ani said:"ولم يكن موثوقا به فيما ينقله"“And he was not trustworthy in his transmissions.”
[Al-Ansab, Vol. 3, p. 264]
Shuja' al-Dhahli considered him severely weak, and Ibn al-Najjar said he was متهافت…ضعيف "i.e., broken and weak."
[Al-Mustafad min Dhuayl Tarikh Baghdad 19/250]
Muhammad ibn Nasir regarded him like his name "Saqti" and said:
“Saqti is nothing, he is like his name, lost goods.”
[Al-Mustafad, p. 250]
The teacher of Hibbatullah, Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Abdullah al-Muqri, Abu al-Qasim al-Fami, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Ali, and Ahmad ibn Ammar need to be identified. There is no information about Husayn ibn Imran al-Mu'adhdhin and Muhammad ibn Mahdi, thus this chain consists of unknown narrators.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (RA) suggested that in the chain of this narration, there is a link between Muhammad ibn Mahdi and Ibn Jurayj through Mahdi ibn Hilal.
[See Al-Isaba 1/438, entry of Khidr, Al-La'ali al-Masnua 1/167]
About Mahdi ibn Hilal, Yahya ibn Sa'id al-Qattan said:"يكذب فى الحديث"“He used to lie in Hadith.”
[Al-Jarh wa al-Ta'dil 8/336, its chain is authentic]
Yahya ibn Ma'in said:"مهدي بن هلال كذاب"“Mahdi ibn Hilal is a liar.”
[Tarikh Ibn Ma'in, Rawiyat al-Duri: 3491]
About Ahmad ibn Ammar, Ibn Hajar said:Ibn al-Jawzi said:"أحمد بن عمار متروك عند الدارقطني"“Ahmad ibn Ammar is abandoned according to al-Daraqutni.”
[Al-Isaba 1/438]
In summary, this chain is fabricated. For another fabricated and rejected chain, see Kitab al-Mawdu'at by Ibn al-Jawzi [1/195-196], Al-Kamil by Ibn 'Adi [2/740, other edition 3/175], Al-La'ali al-Masnua [1/167].
Abdul Qadir Jilani mentions with his chain that Ali (RA) said: On the day of Arafah, Jibril, Mika'il, Israfil, and Khidr (AS) gather in Arafat.
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, p. 406]
Is this narration authentic?
(Muhammad Asif Patialvi, 4-5-2006)
The chain of this narration is as follows:
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic Vol. 2, p. 40; Translation p. 447]
The first narrator, Hibbatullah ibn al-Mubarak, has been proven a fabricator and liar in the previous answer. Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad al-Azhari, Ismail, and Abu Talib ibn Hamdan al-Bakri need to be identified. 'Ubayd (صح) ibn Ishaq al-'Attar is considered weak by the majority.
Imam Bukhari (RA) said:"عنده منا كير"“He has fabricated narrations.”
[Kitab al-Du'afa by my verification, p. 223]
He also said:"منكر الحديث"“He used to narrate fabricated Hadiths.”
[Al-Tarikh al-Saghir 2/305]
Al-Nasa'i said:"متروك الحديث"“He is abandoned in Hadith.”
[Kitab al-Du'afa wa al-Matrukin: 402]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (RA) mentioned this narration and said:"وعبيد بن إسحاق متروك الحديث"“'Ubayd ibn Ishaq is abandoned in Hadith.”
[Al-Isaba 1/439]
Also, see Al-La'ali al-Masnua [1/168].
The identity of Muhammad ibn al-Mubashir or Muhammad ibn Mayasar needs to be established.
It is clear that this chain is extremely dark (obscure) and fabricated.
The continued life of Khidr (AS) is not established by any Hadith or Sahabi's narration. The correct and predominant view is that he has passed away.
Wa ma 'alayna illa al-balag
(16 Rabi' al-Thani 1427 AH)
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani writes that Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘Every year, people of the land and the sea gather in Mecca. The people of the land and the sea refer to Prophet Elias (AS) and Prophet Khidr (AS). They shave each other's heads.’”
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, p. 406]
Respected Sheikh Zubair Ali Zai, is this narration authentic?
(Muhammad Asif Patialvi, Patiala Dak Khana Bolar, District Narowal)
الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على رسوله الأمين، أما بعد:
The chain of this narration is as follows
أخبرنا هبة الله ابن المبارك، قال : انبأنا الحسن بن أحمد بن عبدالله المقرئ، قال : أخبرنا الحسين بن عمران المؤذن، قال : حدثنا أبو القاسم الفامي، قال : حدثنا أبو على الحسن بن على، قال : حدثنا أحمد بن عمار : أنبانا محمد بن مهدي، قال : حدثني ابن جريج عن عطاء عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما إلخ
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic Vol. 2, p. 39; Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic-Urdu, Vol. 2, pp. 446-447]
This narration is fabricated. The first narrator is Hibbatullah ibn al-Mubarak al-Saqti, about whom Muhammad ibn Nasir (RA) was asked whether he was reliable. He replied:"لا والله، حدث بواسط عن شيوخ لم يرهم فظهر كذبه عندهم"“No, by Allah (he is not reliable), he narrated in Wasit from shuyukh he had not seen, and his falsehood was exposed by the people there.”
[Al-Muntazam by Ibn al-Jawzi 17/144]
About him, Al-Sam'ani said:"ولم يكن موثوقا به فيما ينقله"“And he was not trustworthy in his transmissions.”
[Al-Ansab, Vol. 3, p. 264]
Shuja' al-Dhahli considered him severely weak, and Ibn al-Najjar said he was متهافت…ضعيف "i.e., broken and weak."
[Al-Mustafad min Dhuayl Tarikh Baghdad 19/250]
Muhammad ibn Nasir regarded him like his name "Saqti" and said:
"السقطي لا شئ، هو مثل نسبه من سقط المتاع"
“Saqti is nothing, he is like his name, lost goods.”
[Al-Mustafad, p. 250]
The teacher of Hibbatullah, Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Abdullah al-Muqri, Abu al-Qasim al-Fami, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Ali, and Ahmad ibn Ammar need to be identified. There is no information about Husayn ibn Imran al-Mu'adhdhin and Muhammad ibn Mahdi, thus this chain consists of unknown narrators.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (RA) suggested that in the chain of this narration, there is a link between Muhammad ibn Mahdi and Ibn Jurayj through Mahdi ibn Hilal.
[See Al-Isaba 1/438, entry of Khidr, Al-La'ali al-Masnua 1/167]
About Mahdi ibn Hilal, Yahya ibn Sa'id al-Qattan said:"يكذب فى الحديث"“He used to lie in Hadith.”
[Al-Jarh wa al-Ta'dil 8/336, its chain is authentic]
Yahya ibn Ma'in said:"مهدي بن هلال كذاب"“Mahdi ibn Hilal is a liar.”
[Tarikh Ibn Ma'in, Rawiyat al-Duri: 3491]
About Ahmad ibn Ammar, Ibn Hajar said:Ibn al-Jawzi said:"أحمد بن عمار متروك عند الدارقطني"“Ahmad ibn Ammar is abandoned according to al-Daraqutni.”
[Al-Isaba 1/438]
In summary, this chain is fabricated. For another fabricated and rejected chain, see Kitab al-Mawdu'at by Ibn al-Jawzi [1/195-196], Al-Kamil by Ibn 'Adi [2/740, other edition 3/175], Al-La'ali al-Masnua [1/167].
Abdul Qadir Jilani mentions with his chain that Ali (RA) said: On the day of Arafah, Jibril, Mika'il, Israfil, and Khidr (AS) gather in Arafat.
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, p. 406]
Is this narration authentic?
(Muhammad Asif Patialvi, 4-5-2006)
The chain of this narration is as follows:
وأخبرنا هبة الله بن المبارك قال : أنبانا الحسن بن أحمد الأزهري قال : أنبانا أبو طالب ابن حمدان البكري قال : أنبانا إسماعيل قال : حدثنا عباس الدوري قال : أنبانا عبيد الله بن إسحاق العطار قال : أنبانا محمد بن المبشر القيسي عن عبدالله بن الحسن عن أبيه عن جده عن على رضى الله عنه قال : يجتمع. . .
[Ghunyat al-Talibeen, Arabic Vol. 2, p. 40; Translation p. 447]
The first narrator, Hibbatullah ibn al-Mubarak, has been proven a fabricator and liar in the previous answer. Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad al-Azhari, Ismail, and Abu Talib ibn Hamdan al-Bakri need to be identified. 'Ubayd (صح) ibn Ishaq al-'Attar is considered weak by the majority.
Imam Bukhari (RA) said:"عنده منا كير"“He has fabricated narrations.”
[Kitab al-Du'afa by my verification, p. 223]
He also said:"منكر الحديث"“He used to narrate fabricated Hadiths.”
[Al-Tarikh al-Saghir 2/305]
Al-Nasa'i said:"متروك الحديث"“He is abandoned in Hadith.”
[Kitab al-Du'afa wa al-Matrukin: 402]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (RA) mentioned this narration and said:"وعبيد بن إسحاق متروك الحديث"“'Ubayd ibn Ishaq is abandoned in Hadith.”
[Al-Isaba 1/439]
Also, see Al-La'ali al-Masnua [1/168].
The identity of Muhammad ibn al-Mubashir or Muhammad ibn Mayasar needs to be established.
It is clear that this chain is extremely dark (obscure) and fabricated.
The continued life of Khidr (AS) is not established by any Hadith or Sahabi's narration. The correct and predominant view is that he has passed away.
Wa ma 'alayna illa al-balag
(16 Rabi' al-Thani 1427 AH)