Angels and the Afterlife: What Happens to Them?

Written by: Ghulam Mustafa Zahid Ameenpuri

Will the angels die?

Angels are the subtle and innocent creation of Allah, created to remain everlasting. There is no explicit evidence of their death as there is for the death of jinn and humans.

◈ Hafiz Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi (رحمه الله) (384-456 AH) states:

“There is no text nor consensus indicating that the angels will die. If there were such a text, we would adhere to it. On the contrary, the evidence suggests that the angels will not die because paradise is a place where there is no death, and the angels are its inhabitants. They were created in paradise and will remain there forever.”

(Al-Fasl fil Milal wal Ahwa wan Nihal, 4/21)

◈ Allama Ibn Qayyim (رحمه الله) (691-751 AH) states:

“This is why angels do not reproduce, because they do not die like humans and jinn do.”(Hadi al-Arwah ila Bilad al-Afrah, 247)


Hafiz Suyuti (رحمه الله) (849-911 AH) writes:

“As for the angels, they will die, as mentioned by the texts and consensus.”(Al-Hawi lil Fatawi, 1/379)

This statement is quite surprising. All the hadiths related to this matter are considered "weak." Most of these rely on Ismail bin Rafi’ Madani, who is deemed "weak." Similarly, other narrators like Yazid al-Ruqashi, Abu Bakr al-Hudhali, and Hafs bin Umar al-Adani are also classified as "weak." These narrations are not strong enough to be considered definitive texts and included as evidence.

As for the claim of consensus, only Allah knows when, where, and by whom such consensus was reached.