12 Rulings Regarding Friday Prayer in the Light of Authentic Hadiths

Written by: Abu Abdur-Rahman Shabbir bin Noor (May Allah Preserve Him)

1. Friday as a Weekly Holiday for Muslims

Friday should serve as a weekly holiday for Muslims to allow for bathing, cleanliness, worship, and social interaction. Allah has chosen this day specifically for Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

نحن الآخرون ونحن السابقون يوم القيامة... [صحيح مسلم]

"We are the last of the nations, but we will be the foremost on the Day of Judgment."

2. Obligation of Friday Prayer

The Friday prayer is obligatory for every sane, adult, free, resident, and healthy male. The Prophet ﷺ stated:

"الجمعة على من سمع النداء" [سنن أبي داود، صحيح الجامع ح 3112]

"Friday prayer is obligatory upon whoever hears the call to prayer."

In another Hadith, he said:

"على كل محتلم رواح الجمعة وعلى من راح إلى الجمعة الغسل" [سنن أبي داود ح 342]

"It is obligatory for every adult to attend the Friday prayer and to perform a ritual bath before going."

3. Exceptions from the Obligation

Certain individuals are exempt from Friday prayer:
The Prophet ﷺ said:

"الجمعة حق واجب على كل مسلم فى جماعة إلا أربعة..." [سنن أبي داود ح 1067]

"Friday prayer in congregation is obligatory for every Muslim except for four: a slave, a woman, a child, and a sick person."

Based on this and other evidences, scholars have excluded the following individuals:
◈ Slaves and prisoners (unless arrangements are made by authorities).
◈ Women (permissible but not obligatory).
◈ Children under the age of seven.
◈ The sick who cannot attend.
◈ Those facing extreme hunger or natural needs.
◈ People in fear of life-threatening harm or significant loss.
◈ Severe weather conditions like rain, mud, or cold winds.

4. Permission to Pray at Home in Adverse Conditions

In cases of heavy rain or mud, people are permitted to pray at home, and the call to prayer may be modified to say:

"صلوا في بيوتكم" [سنن أبي داود ح 1059]

"Pray in your homes."

5. When Friday Coincides with Eid

If Eid falls on a Friday, attending the Friday prayer becomes optional after performing Eid prayer. The Prophet ﷺ said:

"اجتمع عيدان فى يومكم هذا..." [سنن ابن ماجه ح 1311]

"When two Eids coincide on the same day, Eid suffices for Friday, but we will still perform it."

6. Timing of Friday Prayer

The time for Friday prayer is the same as Zuhr. However, it is preferred to pray it early. Hadiths from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim confirm that it was the practice of the Prophet ﷺ to conduct Friday prayer shortly after the sun crossed its zenith.

7. Friday Prayer is Two Rak‘ahs

Friday prayer is always two Rak‘ahs and must be offered in congregation. If a person catches one Rak‘ah with the Imam, they should complete the second Rak‘ah themselves, as per the Hadith:

"من أدرك ركعة من الجمعة أو غيرها فليضف إليها الأخرى..." [سنن النسائي ح 274]

8. Validity of Friday Prayer in Small Communities

Friday prayer is valid in both towns and villages. The first Friday prayer after the Prophet ﷺ was held in a village called جواثا in Bahrain.

[صحيح البخاري ح 853]

9. Additional Call to Prayer

During the time of Caliph Uthman (RA), an additional call to prayer was introduced due to an increase in the Muslim population.

[صحيح البخاري ح 874]

10. Changing Position During Sleepiness

The Prophet ﷺ advised changing one’s sitting position if they feel sleepy during the sermon to stay alert:
"إذا نعس أحدكم يوم الجمعة فليتحول من مجلسه" [سنن الترمذي ح 526]

11. Avoid Sitting in the Sun During the Sermon

If one finds themselves in the sun due to shrinking shade, they should move to a shaded area:
"إذا كان أحدكم فى الشمس فقلص عنه الظل..." [سنن أبي داود ح 4821]

12. Traveling on Friday

Traveling on Friday is permissible, especially when using public transportation. However, one should try to pray before departure if possible. The Prophet ﷺ sent Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA) on a mission on a Friday. When asked why he delayed, Abdullah said he wanted to pray with the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ remarked:

"لو أنفقت ما فى الأرض ما أدركت غدوتهم" [مسند أحمد ح 1962]

"Even if you spent all the wealth on earth, you wouldn’t match their early start."


Friday is a day of great significance in Islam, with clear rulings to ensure it is observed properly. Performing a ritual bath, attending the sermon, and praying in congregation are key aspects of this blessed day. May Allah grant us the ability to honor this day as prescribed in the Sunnah.