Author: Hafiz Muhammad Anwar Zahid (May Allah protect him)
"If it were not for you [O Muhammad], I would not have created the heavens,"
is frequently mentioned in some books and gatherings but has been subjected to scrutiny by scholars.
Allah knows best!
Context of the Narration:
The statement attributed to Allah:"If it were not for you [O Muhammad], I would not have created the heavens,"
is frequently mentioned in some books and gatherings but has been subjected to scrutiny by scholars.
Authenticity of the Hadith
- Classification by Scholars:
- Imam Al-Saghani declared this narration to be fabricated (mawdu‘).
- Shaykh Al-Albani also classified it as fabricated (mawdu‘) in his works.
- Other scholars, including Mulla Ali al-Qari, examined the narration and incorrectly stated that its meaning is acceptable. However, this claim is unfounded as neither the meaning is sound nor the chain of transmission (sanad) reliable.
- Issues with the Narration:
- Fabricated Chains: The narration lacks any reliable chain of transmission to support its authenticity.
- Arabic Errors: Even the phrasing of the narration in Arabic contains grammatical and linguistic errors, further undermining its credibility.
- Scholarly Evaluations and Sources:
- Al-Fawa’id al-Majmu‘ah by Al-Shawkani, Hadith no. 1013.
- Kashf al-Khafa (Vol. 2, Pg. 232).
- Tadhkirah al-Mawdu‘at by Al-Fitni (Pg. 86).
- Silsilah al-Ahadith ad-Da‘ifah by Al-Albani, Hadith no. 282.
This narration, often quoted to highlight the significance of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), is fabricated and holds no basis in authentic Islamic texts. Neither its wording nor its meaning can be considered reliable. Scholars have thoroughly refuted it, leaving no room for its acceptance.Allah knows best!