Recent content by Danial

  1. Danial

    Islamic Guidelines for Hair Care and Maintenance: A Comprehensive Overview

    Author: Ibrahim bin Bashir Al-Hussainwi The central theme of Islam is human reform. This article presents the Islamic rulings regarding different types of hair on the human body. Below is a summary of the key rulings from the comprehensive book written on this topic. 1. Regulations for Head...
  2. Danial

    Who was Al-Shafi'i, Muhammad ibn Idris?

    **Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-Abbas ibn Uthman**, the Imam, the Scholar of the Age, the Defender of Hadith, the Jurist of the Ummah, Abu Abdullah al-Qurashi, then al-Muttalibi, al-Shafi'i, al-Makki, passed away in the year 204 AH. The birth of the Imam occurred in Gaza, and his father, Idris...
  3. Danial

    Irrefutable Evidence for Eight Rak'ahs of Tarawih

    Author: Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai, Pakistan [May Allah have mercy on him] Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim Alhamdulillah wahdahu wassalatu wassalamu ala man la nabiya ba'dah, Amma ba'd: Our great Imam, Muhammad Rasoolullah (peace be upon him), used to pray eleven rak'ahs from after the Isha prayer...
  4. Danial

    Acting Upon Weak Hadiths in Matters of Virtue

    Some people accept weak narrations as evidence in matters of virtues when they align with their preferences, and they act upon these. However, a group of researchers firmly believe that weak Hadiths should not be acted upon at all, considering them inapplicable both in rulings and virtues. ◈...
  5. Danial

    The Distinction Between "Ata'i", "Not Independent by Nature" and "Limited"

    Written by: Qari Osama bin Abdul Salam, may Allah protect him Referring to the saints and prophets as "Ata'i" (endowed), "Not Independent by Nature", and "Limited" is a wrong concept. Allah SWT says: Indeed, We have created man from a mixed drop (of sperm), to test him, and therefore, We made...